[former] United  Methodist Free Church, Lower Frankton [former] United Methodist Free Church, Lower Frankton
The six foundation stones of this chapel were laid on the evening of Saturday 26th July 1890 by several ladies and gentlemen. Tea was provided in a tent on the occasion, ministers delivered addresses and select pieces were sung by the choirs of kindred churches. This small chapel was built of polychrome brick with a slate roof by Messrs Kesterton & Son of Ellesmere, at a cost of £200, on land given by Rev. J. W. Thomas. It was reported to seat 150 worshippers. The chapel opened on the 27th September 1890. It it not yet known when the chapel closed but it was still marked as a place of worship on the Ordnance Survey map of 1947, but was not marked on the 1961 edition. By 1989 the chapel was derelict with the window glass missing, surrounded by trees and bushes and branches growing through the roof. It is now (2019) totally derelict, the roof having fallen in. For a photograph of the front of the chapel, click here.
Grid ref: SJ 371319

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