[former] Coalport Wesleyan Methodist Chapel This chapel was reportedly built in 1800 and paid for by Miss Tooth, niece of the Revd Fletcher of Madeley. However, a Methodist chapel at Coalport was licensed by the county quarter sessions in July 1811. It does not appear in the 1851 Religious Census but the chapel's activities were regularly reported in the Wellington Journal from 1854 onwards. The lease had run out in 1900 but the landlord, Coalport China Works, was unsympathetic to renewing it. About 3 years prior to closure, the chapel was renovated & a new rostrum erected at a cost of £30 or more. It held its last service at the end of March 1907 by which time it only had 10 members and the attendance at the chapel was about 40 adults & 63 schoolchildren. The chapel does not appear on the 1925 Ordnance Survey map, so it must have been demolished. The chapel was situated at the eastern end of the High Street, just to the west of the bridge over the Severn. Grid ref: SJ 701022 |